Monday 15 November 2010


-Layer and Tear

As the first research part of this project we had to choose two words from a long list, I have chose layer and tear as I know that I could produced something

Formative Feedback

We had a group tutorial for the very first time today, I find tutorials pretty daunting anyway with just the tutor so I was scared about this one in a group. Supprisingly my tutorial went really well and everyone was positive about my work. The other people in my group and Gemma (Tutor) had to produce a feedback sheet listing areas I need to improve. See sheets below.

After my tutorial I now know the areas that need improving within the researching stage.

  • I need to do primary source research - I will do this by attending a life drawing class to study the female body primarily.

  • I need to do more 3D research and stand work - I will put each sample made on the quarter scale mannequins to give me creative design ideas.

  • I need to explore 'Layers and Tears' in greater detail.

  • Overall I need to have deeper levels and a wide range of research.

After my tutorial with Angie I left feeling that I have a lot of work to do to get back on track. Angie was really positive about my research and was unsure that my idea for my final garment was conceptual enough.
  • Push my final idea further -
  • Re-consider the three garments -

Illustration portfolio

Final Mark